
Hours represent units of logged time and is the core component of Clientary's Time Tracking features. Hours can be tracked against a Project and then billed later on in Clientary.

Get Hours For Project

GET /api/v2/projects/:project_id/hours
  "hours": [
      "title": "Redesign Work"
      "date": "2011/07/29"
      "project_id": 1
      "id": 1
      "rate": 75
      "user_id": 2
      "cost": 600
      "hours": 8
      "description": "Logged Description of Work"
      "billed?": false
GET /api/v2/projects/:project_id/hours?filter=unbilled

You may use the filter parameter to narrow the selection to billed or unbilled project hours. Note that the user who the current API Token represents must have access to view billed/unbilled hours.

Get A Specific Entry

GET /api/v2/hours/:id
  "title": "Redesign Work"
  "date": "2011/07/29"
  "project_id": 1
  "id": 1
  "rate": 75
  "user_id": 2
  "cost": 600
  "hours": 8
  "description": "Logged Description of Work"
  "billed?": false

Create A New Entry

POST /api/v2/projects/:project_id/hours
  "project_item": {
    "hours": 5.0,
    "title": "Setup and Documentation"

Required Fields: hours, title (HTTP 422 on failure)

Update An Entry

PUT /api/v2/hours/:id

You may provide a partial list of fields to update

  "project_item": {
    "hours": 8.0,
    "title": "Setup and Documentation"

Delete An Entry

DELETE /api/v2/hours/:id

Deletions are permanent and not reversible.